Thursday, June 30, 2011

Pacific time is T H E best time.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

I hate politics.

What is wrong with the 'American Way'?
The real question should be: What is right about the 'American Way'?

WE spend money we do not have, increasing our debt as a country and as individuals (put it on my credit card please)  We have become so self involved that we fail to look at the big picture and only care about what will benefit us in the moment (not what will benefit everyone in the long run.)  We've stopped caring about each other.  The sentiment of sharing a cup of sugar with your neighbor does not exist in our society anymore.  Our individual success and prosperity will be at whose expense?

Our Education system keeps taking blow after blow to it's budget, but there have been ZERO salary cuts to our state representatives.  Where are our priorities?  The 2% that has it all, wants more.  And the other 98% is left with no hope.  It is time we give each other H O P E.  It is ignorant for us to think that one man alone can keep the hope alive for millions, so the C H A N G E we can believe in starts with us

So get informed!!! Ask questions, read, be read to!!! No one is beneath knowing what is going on in their Coutnry, State, City and neighborhood..  If you disagree, SPEAK UP!!! Question everything and everyone.  Have an opinion on everything!  Get involved!! Start caring!!!

We need to remember what is important:  Living a good life as opposed to THE good life.

Monday, June 27, 2011

My biggest fear is doing something insignificant with my life.  Doing something that will only add to the worlds problems not ease or help fix them.

What are you afraid of?

Thursday, June 23, 2011

I'm restless.
Itching for something mind blowing.
Something that is more than just skin deep. 

I am yearning for something, someone, somewhere with more substance. 
And it's starting to look like I won't find that here.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Summer Solstice

Summertime & the livin's easy ♥

Friday, June 3, 2011


Do me a favor and stop worrying about MY realtionship(s) and work on your own!  It's not my fault that at this stage in life you probably realize that your all alone!  But you have no one else to thank but yourself for isolating yourself and driving everyone away.
