Wednesday, April 9, 2014

I deleted all those words from 5 months ago.  All that nonsense.  Because I no longer had a place for them.  That's the beauty of word (docs) can erase them from memory, create a blank page and start all over.  When you're ready.

And i'm ready.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Dear Spring Break,
I want to thank you for being good to me this time around.  If there is anything I regret about you,  its not getting more sleep while you were here.  It seems these days I can never get enough sleep.  But now it's time to get back to the daily grind and push even harder before.  This is the home stretch now.  I can do this.  I will do this.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

I'm just exhausted.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Starting over

"For a star to be born, there is one thing that must happen:  A gaseous nebula must collapse.

So collapse.
This is not your destruction.
This is your birth."